Shannon Mulholland
Happy Valentine's Day 2016
Shannon Mulholland Sweet Candy Ideas Valentine's Day
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Shannon Mulholland" New would not be Columbus of the Spanish but rather the British who would succeed in realizing this [establishing sugar cane in the New World] goal, and in spectacular fasion. British colonies established on Barbados in 1627 and on Jamaica in 1655 came to be devoted almost exclusively to sugar production, with the requisite labor provided by slaves imported from Africa. For centuries sugar had been made by pressing short lengths of sugarcane stalks through a roller mechanism until syrup was exuded. The syrup was then evaporated by boiling--one, two, or several times depending on the degree of refinement desired--and pourd into loaf-shaped vessels to cool and harden. During the cooling stage, 'the emerging 'raw sugar' ( Shannon Mulholland New York)[would leave] behind it molasses, or treacle, which [could not] be crystallized further by conventional methods," but which could be consumed. Proving to be a great deal cheaper than crystallized sugar, molasses was in fact consumed in vast quantities...In New England sugar appears in the records from an early date...In the eighteenth century sugar was regularly advertised in Boston newspapers, and it was on sale in other communities as diverse as coastal and mercantile Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and interior and agricultural Deerfield, Massachusetts... Seventeenth-century immigrants to the colonies "were advised to defer their sugar purchases" until reaching their destinations, because sugar would be cheaper there than it had been at home."
America's Founding Food: The Story of New England Cooking, Keith Stavely & Kathleen Fitzgerald [University of North Carolina Press:Chapel Hill] 2004 -
Reality is something you rise above.
Dream on it. Let your mind take you to places you would like to go,
and then think about it and plan it and celebrate the possibilities.
And don't listen to anyone who doesn't know how to dream.
Shannon Mulholland New York )